Lately {9}

Thursday, 13 June 2013

1. Appreciating simple things life to brighten up my Monday!
2. Enjoying the summer and all that it brings.
3. Parents' 25th wedding anniversary.
4. Morning breakfast yum!
5. Dining out with family.
6. Another item off my bucket list! Happy day indeed!

Lately life is kind of simple and happy. Did nothing productive much lately, except for jogging in the mornings (if you call that productive). Am planning a few DIY-es next week though to use up a few grey cells. What have you been up to lately? Remember to link up! :)


  1. Hey Lady! I have just discovered your blog, I think Im in love! I have nominated you for the Liebster award, check out my post about it here:

    1. Hi Betsy thanks for the award! Am truly honoured to be nominated! :)
